Sawcut Gorge

Free experience
Sawcut Gorge

What you can expect

Located in the Ure Valley, the gorge is a beautiful, relaxing spot and only a short return hike. The gorge is made up of the river running through a two-metre gap between 150 metre high cliffs. The hike to the gorge is a little challenging with walkers warned about the water levels and falling rocks, which can make the trail quite hazardous. With no phone reception, you will be distanced from the outside world and connected to the natural beauty of the area.

The stretched walk is approximately 3 kilometres; hikers should allow around 3 hours to complete the return trip back to the car park. The gorge is located on the east coast, northern end of the South Island, and provides stunning views of the surrounding areas. The closes town is Blenheim, however it is still 55 kilometres away.

The high and narrow gorge is a sight to see and the challenging hike is made worth it as you revel in its natural beauty. Walkers can wade in the fresh water at several points along the track, however if it has been raining or is going to rain, hikers are urged to steer clear of the track altogether.


What you need to know

  • Walking Trail
  • 2.5 - 3 hours
  • Expert Trail
  • Dogs with DOC permit allowed
Beautiful natural scenery
Medium level walking track
Freshwater swimming holes
Up to 3 hour journey
Dogs with DOC permits allowed
Popular trail